Thursday, October 13, 2016

Siamese Twins, Skincare, Sharon, & Shirley: A (kind of) True Story...

Why these twins again?

This is actually about the dream that the title of this entry references.
This is the dream, as well as I remember it after all these years(plus some details I added for detail and/or artistic license):

I remember the first time my mom (whose name is Sharon) took me to the circus. I was 4 years old, my dad had taken my baby sister to visit his parents. The reason they were doing this was that I had been feeling a little neglected since my sister was born 6 months earlier. They decided to do this, to give me some time with my mom. 

Anyways, when we got to the circus, I saw a sign out front. It said "SPECIAL ATTRACTION! THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY, TONIGHT ONLY!" I had taught myself to read when I was 2, so my mom wasn't that surprised that I knew they were playing. I don't remember much about the circus, or the Partridge Family's performance, except I do vaguely remember Danny being one of the clowns. 

What I do remember is the sideshow. I don't remember many of the acts, although ii do remember they had a snake charmer. What I do remember is my mom and I running into Shirley Partridge there. For some reason, I only remember Keith and Danny being there. For some reason, my mom knew Shirley. I don't remember much else, except my mom and Shirley were the Siamese twins in the sideshow, for some reason.

Yeah, I know the last sentence doesn't make a lick of sense, my mom and I were in the audience, while Shirley was performing on a stage set up in one of the rings. Thing is, they weren't always Siamese twins. They had to be joined to one another. That was accomplished with several jars of Avon Perfect Balance skin cream. They spread liberal amounts of Perfect Balance on their backs, and used it to "glue" themselves together. However, when they were stuck together, the skin cream turned into human flesh. I know it doesn't make a shred if sense, but for some reason, the whole thing seemed perfectly normal. So did the fact that once the cream turned into flesh, it was as if they had been born joined like that. They were no longer my mom and Shirley Partridge, but Siamese twins. 

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